Summer holidays. For some people it’s the best time to relax, sleep in the shadow and drink cocktails before noon, while for other is the one time in the year when there’s enough time to prepare for and to try something completely different: extreme sports.
Here’s a list of some of the most breath-taking new extreme sports out there but please, don’t try this before talking to a person who’s already tried it.

Love snowboarding? You must try sandboarding: it involves riding across or down a steep dune while having your feet strapped to your board. The descent is blood thrilling, but be prepared to walk back uphill in the blazing sun with your snowboard under your arm. No ski lifts here.
Street Bouldering
Maybe you tried climbing mountains or artificial walls in gyms, but did you ever climb the city?
Climb walls, skyscrapers, office buildings, and be prepared to scare a few people or two on the way.
Cave climbing

If you’ve already tried urban climbing and would like to experience a different kind of adrenaline rush, why not give cave climbing a try? Duncan Collins, the guy in the photo above jumps downwards, into a chimney of Miao Keng, a cave located in the province of Wulong, China. The cave is 1026 meters deep, deeper than any other cave in the world.
Waterfall Kayaking

Imagine yourself in a kayak, paddling down on an unsteady river and then diving into a loud, foamy, monstrous cascade: free-falling for meters and meters in a row. You can aim for a new world record for extreme kayaking if you jump more than Bradt Tyler’s 58 meters (he jumped in Palouse Falls in Eastern Washington.
Downhill Biking

What’s the fastest way to get an incredible adrenaline rush? Downhill biking is practiced on steep slopes and over very rough terrain, usually in the mountains. The speed one can reach is of 100 km / h. Don’t try this at home unless you have a very sturdy bike and someone who can teach you what to do and what not to do when biking at that speed.
B.A.S.E. Jumping

B.A.S.E. stands for Buildings, Antennas , Spans (bridges) and Earth (cliffs), which are the areas from which the jumpers are launching themselves into abysses. The image above features Valery Rozov, one the most popular and daring base jumpers. The winged suit he wears allows him to fly for around 45 seconds after which a parachute opens just a few hundred meters from the ground.
What about you? Which of these extreme sports scares you the most and which one would you like to try?
Did somebody say 7?.. Here’s a clip we just shot at the Great Barrier Reef.. “Scuba Skydiving’