30-day FREE trial

eDreams Prime
Travel as it should be

Join over 5 million Prime subscribers.

Just book a flight with Prime and enjoy a 30-day free trial with all the benefits. You can cancel anytime online.

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Discover our Prime plans

Prime fare
30-day free trial
Best deal
Prime fare
Prime Plus
30-day free trial

Save €100s on flights, hotels and car rentals

Access exclusive Prime deals and sales events

VIP customer support: we answer nearly every call within 60 seconds

Share your discounts with up to 9 friends, even when you’re not travelling

Try it free for 30 days.
Cancel online anytime.
Best price guaranteed on 100% of flights
Sconti sul 100% dei voli e degli alloggi con Prime. Gratis per 30 giorni.
Voglio saperne di più

What are the average savings like with Prime?

You save every time you book with Prime. The specific amount you save depends on the total cost of your booking. For example, if you pay between €150 and €299 with your Prime membership, you will save an average of €30 on your booking.

Price of flight Average Prime savings per flight
€0 - €149 €20
€150 - €299 €30
€300 - €499 €40
≥ €500 up to €90

Sleep easy with up to €270 off hotels!


Hotel rooms for up to half price for eDreams Prime members. Wherever you go, get a great night's sleep for a lot less!

If you aren't an eDreams Prime member yet, find out how to sign up here!

Hit the road with up to €40 off on car rental

Descuento en alquiler de coches Descuento en alquiler de coches

Enjoy absolute freedom on your trip with Prime-only savings on car rental.

Descuento en alquiler de coches
FREE cancellation
Tell me more Descuento en alquiler de coches

Join Prime FREE for 30 days!

1Search for your flight

Any airline, any date, anywhere.

2 Choose the Prime discounted fare

It's FREE for 30 days!

3Enjoy unlimited discounts

Save on flights, accommodation and car rental.

Common Questions

  • Simply add Prime to your first purchase to start enjoying our best deals straight away.
  • You've got a full year of discounts as a Prime member, starting on the day of your first booking.
  • As a Prime member, you have unlimited opportunities to save, so the more you book, the better!
  • Yes! You can save up to €270 on every hotel reservation, just by being a Prime member.
  • Of course you can. You'll be the first to hear of all our best deals as a valued Prime customer. Check your inbox from time to time to see how you can save with us using our special discount codes.
  • You can share your Prime discounts and benefits with up to 9 of your friends and family, as long as you're travelling too! You'll see the total saving when you arrive at the payment page!
  • It doesn't matter where you make your booking, as long as you're logged into your Prime account - the prices you see will automatically include your Prime discount. results.
  • At the moment, Prime discounts only apply to flights and hotels. We're constantly working to improve the benefits our Prime members enjoy so watch this space!
  • Yes, you'll need to book a flight to be able to suscribe to Prime.
  • No! We'll take care of everything for you. Your subscription will automatically renew after 12 months, or after your free trial ends, using the same card you booked with.

    If you would rather not renew, you will need to cancel before the current subscription period, or free trial, ends.
  • With Prime, you can share your discounts and benefits with up to 9 of your friends and family, as long as you're travelling too. With Prime Plus, you can share your discounts with up to 9 people even when you’re not travelling.
    You'll see the total saving when you arrive at the payment page.
  • While we would love you to stay, if you decide to cancel your subscription, it's very simple to do. Just go to “My Prime account” on the website or your profile in the app and follow the instructions.

    To avoid your Prime membership renewing automatically, you must cancel before your subscription (or free trial) period ends. Subscription will renew at €54.99/year if not terminated beforehand.

    Read our terms and conditions to find out more here.
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