If you’re a frequent flier like us you know the inside of an airplane like the back of your hand. From the best place to sit, to the best place to store your hand luggage to make a quick getaway upon landing, we all have our own tips for flying with each airline. But have you ever taken the time to admire the plane from the outside in instead of the other way around?
Test your airline knowledge with our 10 question quiz to see if you can correctly guess which airline is which just based on their tail design.

Hint: This airline’s name is an anglicization of the Irish word for “air fleet”.

Hint: This airline had the honor of carrying the Olympic flame to its destination at this years games.

Hint: A controversial low cost airline.

Hint: The company’s HQs are in Atlanta, Georgia.

Hint: Wir können Dir keinen Tipp geben!

Hint: This airline has the most destinations in the world.

Hint: AA is a big enough tip off!

Oui can’t think of a hint

Hint: Spanglish

Hint: Which other flag carrier could use a kangaroo as their symbol?
Comment below and tell us how many you got right!
10/10 : Airline Expert
7-9/10 : Airline Proficient
5-6/10 : Airline Competent
3-4/10 : Airline Advanced Beginner
0-2/10 : Airline Novice